The Viola Factor Year Anniversary

Book Talk and Presentation

It has been a year since I published THE VIOLA FACTOR paperback and eBook.

Bringing the life of Viola Knapp Ruffner to light has been a distinct pleasure and I feel “chosen” to have been the one to do so. The victory of research discoveries, the dead ends that bring everything to a halt, getting “back up” and doing it all again are adrenaline rushes. Nevertheless, there are thrills and spills along the way.

THRILLS: being invited to book clubs and groups for presentations, unpacking and stocking your own books at the Booker T. Washington National Monument where the book is sold, visiting a bookstore locally and watching someone purchase my book while observing around the corner, receiving a random email or photo from a reader (some who even read to their pets), communicating with other book writers of historical fiction and sharing that “I’ve hit a wall in my research sigh,” having a book review posted on Amazon, BookBaby, or Facebook, requests for bookmarks and discussion questions (, and uncovering new information about the character researched are all thrills and humble gratitude is lifted!!!

(Thank you!!!)

SPILLS: How come everyone is not as enamored with the storyline and research as I am? How come not everyone rushes to purchase my book? How can I make the story stronger next time? Should I continue investing time and money in the book publishing process? Why can’t I find a photo of Viola?

By writing this post, I see the thrills outweigh the spills, so my faith is restored in all I have and am doing. I am sure my questions are the same as other authors and wonder at the whole big wide realm of the world of publishing. Makes one realize what a big deal people like Diana Gabaldon, Sadequa Johnson, and Lois Leveen are!


  1. Thanks for keeping me on your email list. I enjoy reading your updates on being an author and publisher. Your dedication to this is wonderful. What is on the future calendar?? Patsy


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