A Disorderly Jumble

15871571_10154348108138877_3717184903505375814_n“Confusion is a luxury which only the very, very young can possibly afford and you are not that young anymore”
James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room

I keep repeating that Baldwin quote in hopes that being a Medicare-carrying card member helps me with some current circumstances. The Ringling Brothers Circus is disbanding. The weather is all out of whack! A new president who gained fame saying “You’re Fired!” has been hired! What on earth?!

We slid away from Virginia after New Year’s on ice laden streets, postponed plane flights and zero temperatures. I was ready for winter … snow cream, shovels, mittens, boots and all. We returned to a gorgeously beautiful January Florida “winter” withugs2017 eighty degrees and sunshine. The plants are re-blooming, shorts are winter attire and my Christmas boots (I had to exchange that were delayed because Fed-Ex could not get them to me because of winter snow storms before we went north) have arrived. So I decided (since I am not young anymore) to wear them in Florida today to celebrate confusion!

I like seasons, they help me know what day it is, what clothes to wear and what cozy foods to prepare! I have decided after four years I like retirement too. I took a part-time winter job (now), that has totally ruined all the volunteering, research and fun I had been learning how to have. Confusion.

In the Netflix series STRANGER THINGS,  some kind of cataclysmic event made the humans on Earth evolve into monsters. An event such as a nuclear war (the show is set in the 80’s) could have occurred in the world of the “upside down”.  If you have not watched the shows, I will not spoil them for you, but they make me scratch my head in wonder. Perhaps I have fallen down a rabbit hole and really am in as upside down world. Or maybe we all exist in this upside world momentarily and normalcy as we knew it will make a comeback.

Do you suppose Confucius was named for his mother’s own confusion in life? I mean what is going on?

I’m going to take a walk in my WINTER UGGS and see if anyone else has that panicked look!





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